Sunday, February 28, 2021

Why, God, Why?

 Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 little is molested together with the perpetrator never constitute Why, God, Why?

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 little is molested together with the perpetrator never found. 

A retired yoke loses their life's savings to a scam artist. 

A gang fellow member murders together with goes gratuitous on a technicality. 
Where is God? Why create the bad guys sometimes win? 

When things don't brand sense, simply about people foolishly blame God. 

When I'm tempted to create this, I remember:

 Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 little is molested together with the perpetrator never constitute Why, God, Why?
Man, non God, brought suffering into the world. (Genesis 1-3).

God created a perfect basis but mankind's sins damaged it. Our introduce basis is the best possible basis for restoring mankind to God, but it's non the best possible world.

God gave us gratuitous choice, together with liberty allows people to brand bad likewise every bit expert choices. 

As C.S. Lewis wrote: God "thought liberty worth creating fifty-fifty at that price." 

Our finite minds can't encompass why God doesn't terminal evil together with suffering, but nosotros tin trust this fact: God knows what He's doing because he's 100% expert together with loving. 

You tin create a Bite Size Bible Study on this devotion HERE.