Sunday, February 14, 2021

Strength, Non Weakness

Surveys present that what many people intend is weakness is genuinely line Strength, Not Weakness

In a recent study, 81% of those surveyed said their bosses don't apologize for mistakes. 

Bosses surveyed said they fright looking weak or incompetent if they acknowledge failure, but the report showed the opposite. When a boss doesn't ain upward to something he's done, his employees quit trusting together with respecting him.

Employees lose their bosses' observe for the same reason.

It's business office of our fallen human nature to protect our ego. Imagine how curt close arguments would live on if nosotros dropped our attempts at self-defense. 

"If nosotros claim to live on without sin, nosotros deceive ourselves..."1 John 1:8

When nosotros confess our sins, nosotros don't present weakness of character, nosotros present strength. It's adept for our hearts and reputations. 

"If nosotros confess our sins, he is faithful together with but together with volition forgive us our sins together with purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

Surveys present that what many people intend is weakness is genuinely line Strength, Not Weakness