Saturday, February 13, 2021

Be Prepared: Why Force Your Organized Faith On Others?

What does a Christian tell when mortal asks why they  Be Prepared: Why Push Your Faith on Others?

1 Peter 3:15 tells us to "always live on prepared" to respond questions virtually our faith.

So let's reckon the best agency to respond this mutual question:

"Why force your beliefs on others? Just run along them to yourself as well as allow others honour their ain truth."

My answer: 

"If y'all had the cure for cancer, would y'all run along it to yourself as well as sentry mortal die?"

"I'm certain y'all wouldn't." 

"And since the Bible teaches that all who reject to follow Christ volition live on condemned (Romans 8:1-8), as well as pass eternity inwards hell (e.g. Matthew 10:28), I would experience terrible to run along that information to myself."

"You don't demand to deal alongside me virtually the Christian educational activity of hell, merely for certain y'all run into why I experience compelled to percentage Christ alongside others." 

How would y'all respond this question?
Resources: In There's No Away  as well as Are There Many Ways to Heaven?

To run into all xiv questions inwards this series, cheque out the Be Prepared Archive.
What does a Christian tell when mortal asks why they  Be Prepared: Why Push Your Faith on Others?
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What does a Christian tell when mortal asks why they  Be Prepared: Why Push Your Faith on Others?