Monday, February 22, 2021

An Odd Vogue To Serve God

Would you lot surrender what this adult woman gave upward for the Gospel An Unusual Way to Serve God

Miss Wetherford was superintendent of a girls' reform schoolhouse inwards the piece of cake 1800's. When she heard of Rowland Bingham's mission run inwards Africa, she told him she had in i lawsuit offered herself for mission run merely her church building turned her down. 

"Since that time, I guide maintain been living for missions," she said. 

Wetherford had saved everything she earned beyond what she needed for her bare necessities. And she'd equally good saved a small-scale inheritance she'd received. 

When she gave it all to Bingham, he told her he couldn't accept her concluding dollar. What if she had needs? 

"But what else tin I produce amongst it, Mr. Bingham? I experience God has earmarked it for you, too therefore I cannot buy the farm along it for myself, tin I?" 

Her words convict me, speaking across the centuries.

And God adds: "open your eyes too await at the fields!" John 4:34-36 

God daily asks us questions nigh our resources, priorities, values, too honey for Him. Let's heed too respond prayerfully. 

This truthful floor from Rowland Bingham, Into Africa's Interior past times Janet too Geoff Benge

Would you lot surrender what this adult woman gave upward for the Gospel An Unusual Way to Serve God