Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Ungodly Amusement

minute devotion talks almost humour based on ungodly practices as well as encourages us to part Go Ungodly Amusement

I am ofttimes saddened past times things inwards the amusement industry.

Several years agone I heard almost a movies dubbed a "romantic comedy" fifty-fifty though it was a floor of drunken gender activity as well as abortion! 

Because I've known women who deeply regretted abortions, I can't imagine a painting that finds the champaign of report laughable.

Of course, Satan laughs when sacred things are mocked because his move is to kill, pocket as well as destroy (John 10:10).

Christ, however, came to give life as well as give it abundantly--to all men as well as women including women amongst unplanned pregnancies as well as their unborn children. (See The Biblical View of Abortion as well as What Scripture Says About Abortion.)

I believe it deeply saddens God to meet us enjoying books, movies, songs, as well as television set shows that joke almost such things.

Please, Christians, let's survive common salt as well as lite inwards our decaying world. Let's non amuse ourselves amongst abortion or anything else that saddens the pump of God (Matthew 5:13-16; Psalm 101:3).

How Can a Woman Experience Healing After an Abortion  
Are You a Christian Woman Who Has Had an Abortion?

minute devotion talks almost humour based on ungodly practices as well as encourages us to part Go Ungodly Amusement