Monday, February 1, 2021

God Warns Against Epicaricacy

minute devotion volition encourage you lot to avoid it at all costs God Warns Against Epicaricacy

I learned a novel word.

But I hope I won't travel guilty of it.

This give-and-take agency "Rejoicing at or deriving pleasance from the misfortunes of others."

Our fallen human nature sometimes derives pleasance from the hurting of our enemies. Even worse, around folks are jealous of non-enemies too secretly bask the hurting of their friends too relatives. 

God promises each of us volition reap what nosotros sow (Galatians 6:7)*, only He isn't pleased when nosotros bask anyone's misfortune.

"Do non gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, create non allow your pump rejoice, or the Lord volition meet too disapprove too plough his wrath away from them." Proverbs 24:17-18 

God is interested inwards our hearts likewise every bit the hearts of our enemies.

Today direct maintain a 2nd too inquire God to divulge whatever envy, jealousy or epicaricacy you lot mightiness travel feeling toward others.
*Sometimes this isn't fully realized until heaven

minute devotion volition encourage you lot to avoid it at all costs God Warns Against Epicaricacy
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minute devotion volition encourage you lot to avoid it at all costs God Warns Against Epicaricacy