Monday, March 1, 2021

5 Practical Ways To Shroud God's Discussion Inward Your Heart

A High German adult woman asked this query when I led a Bible report using  v Practical Ways to Hide God's Word inwards Your Heart

"Why would God desire us to enshroud His Word?" 

A High German adult woman asked this query when I led a Bible report using Psalm 119:11
"I convey hidden your discussion inwards my pump that I mightiness non sin against you." 

English was her 2nd linguistic communication together with I understood her confusion. So I explained that inwards this passage, "hidden" agency "stored up," "treasured," together with "laid up." 

I dearest the quote below explaining how the Psalmist hid God's Word:

"[He] non exclusively heard together with read it, only received it into his affections; mixed it amongst faith, seat it upwards inwards his heed together with retentiveness for futurity use; preserved it inwards his pump every bit a pick treasure, where it mightiness dwell richly... a virtually powerful antidote against sin." (source

1. Heard & Read
2. Loved
3. Believed 
4. Remembered, memorized
5. Treasured 
6. Absorbed into the nub of his being

Some practical ways to enshroud God's Word:
1♥  meditate on it (ponder it)
2♥  memorize it
3♥  recite it aloud
4♥  write it 
5♥  depict it (see examples on Pinterest HERE)

It doesn't thing how, only it's of import that nosotros produce it!

Now, I'd dearest to listen from you--what practical ways produce you lot enshroud God's Word inwards your heart? (Scroll downwards to come across around examples of creative journaling below.)


Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes together with larn a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

One way I similar to brand Scriptures to a greater extent than a business office of my pump is to depict them. I'm non an artist, only doodling helps me ponder the passage together with it becomes to a greater extent than existent to me. Bible Love Notes has a creative journaling grouping on Facebook if you'd similar to join: Jesus Journaling. Here's a few examples: 

Psalm 36 

A High German adult woman asked this query when I led a Bible report using  v Practical Ways to Hide God's Word inwards Your Heart