Monday, February 15, 2021

The Crux Of Sin: Self

When Jesus tells us to possess got upwards our cross inward  The Crux of Sin: SELF

When Jesus tells us to possess got upwards our cross inward Luke 9:23-24, he at i time adds "For whoever wants to salvage their life volition lose it, merely whoever loses their life for me volition salvage it."

Our fallen human nature loves concepts like:
  • self-esteem
  • self-help
  • self-interest
  • self-contentment
  • self-indulgence
  • self-assurance
The Bible says the opposite:
  • self-denial
  • self-sacrifice
  • selflessness
  • Because He's worth it
  • Have it His Way
We rarely realize how strongly we're influenced yesteryear the basis together with our ain fallen nature. I confess I oftentimes prefer self-esteem over God esteem together with self-interest over self-denial.

But together with thence I think the One who non solely carried the cross merely died on it for me.

But today I'm bespeak God to assistance me hold upwards a truthful disciple--a cross-carrier. Will y'all bring together me? 

Do y'all know the touching nosotros could possess got on our basis if nosotros took upwards our crosses together with followed?
I encourage y'all to read this 1-minute devotion:
Low Self-Esteem together with Inflated Self-Esteem Have the Same Cure

When Jesus tells us to possess got upwards our cross inward  The Crux of Sin: SELF