Friday, February 5, 2021

Are Yous Having A Wordy Week?

 is a negative criticism too a huge weakness Are You Having a Wordy Week?

To a writer, "wordy" is a negative criticism too a huge weakness. 

We writers beloved the audio of words too phrases too sentences too ofttimes become carried away. 

But I advise a positive pregnant for "Wordiness" amongst a uppercase W

We tin convey a Wordy morn past times drinking inwards several passages of Scripture along amongst our morn coffee. 
We tin rest Wordy throughout the twenty-four hours past times pondering verses we've memorized or posting them inwards visible places inwards our home, automobile or office.* 
We tin brand Wordy decisions past times testing all other advice against God's Word. 
And nosotros tin purpose Wordy therapy to bargain amongst our passions, lusts, fears, insecurities too anger. 

Worldliness comes naturally. It's component of our fallen human nature, our former human being (Ephesians 4:22-24). 

Wordiness requires deliberate attitudes too actions to renew our minds inwards God's Word (Romans 12:1-2). 

Well, earlier I become wordy, I'll wishing you lot a Wordy Mon too a Wordy week. 
*Post-it notes are a nifty means to create this.

 is a negative criticism too a huge weakness Are You Having a Wordy Week?