Thursday, February 4, 2021

He Cheated My Grandfather...Or Did He?

True Story that volition inspire y'all as well as remind y'all of God He Cheated My Grandfather...or Did He?

My bully gramps as well as his cousin homesteaded inwards Kansas inwards the belatedly 1800's, as well as his cousin deceived him yesteryear switching claims. 

After my gramps built a home, his cousin revealed the switched claims as well as "legally" stole my grandfather's house.

My grandfather, an particularly forgiving soul, took this injustice inwards stride. But it wasn't tardily for his household unit of measurement who lived inwards a shack until my gramps had fourth dimension as well as coin to railroad train only about other home. 

But there's an epilogue (Deuteronomy 32:35-36).

Years later, natural gas was discovered on my grandfather's plot, as well as non on his cousin's. 

My grandfather's children as well as grandchildren benefited from that petroleum good for many years, which is similar a shot barely producing but yet pays my sisters as well as me (his bully granddaughters) nearly $100 a year. 

We don't ever run into it happen, but people reap what they sow (Galatians 6:7). It's expert for us to shout out back this truth.
True Story that volition inspire y'all as well as remind y'all of God He Cheated My Grandfather...or Did He?
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True Story that volition inspire y'all as well as remind y'all of God He Cheated My Grandfather...or Did He?