Thursday, February 4, 2021

Be Prepared: Why Non But Believe The Words Of Christ?

Have you lot ever had mortal tell they solely believe the words of Christ Be Prepared: Why non exactly believe the words of Christ?

Scripture says "always hold upward prepared" to explicate our faith, as well as then let's catch this criticism often made yesteryear people wishing to ignore unpopular New Testament commands:  

"I solely trust the words of Christ, non the words of the human authors of the Bible." 

My response to this criticism:

Believing Jesus' words requires believing the balance of Scripture. 

Christ said: “I bring much to a greater extent than to tell to you, to a greater extent than than you lot tin directly bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he volition guide you lot into all the truth. He volition non beak on his own; he volition beak solely what he hears ... the Spirit volition have from me what he volition brand known to you.” John 16:12-15 

After Christ's ascension, the Holy Spirit spoke to a greater extent than instructions from Christ to Bible authors (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21).

In addition, trusting Christ's words requires trusting human Bible authors because they recorded His words.

Christians bring many reasons to hold upward confident that the entire Bible is inspired yesteryear God.

How would you lot response this criticism? 
To run into all xiv questions inwards this series, depository fiscal establishment friction match out the Be Prepared Archive.

Have you lot ever had mortal tell they solely believe the words of Christ Be Prepared: Why non exactly believe the words of Christ?

Bible Love Notes