Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Why Is In That Place Senseless Suffering?

minute devotion addresses these questions Why Is There Senseless Suffering?

Why didn’t God practise a perfect public alongside harmony betwixt man, God together with all living things, a public without evil, hurting together with suffering?


“God saw all that he had made, together with it was real good.” Genesis 1:31 

God created everything perfect. But Adam's sin brought evil, suffering, broken relationships, chaos, decay, sickness, together with croak into the public (Genesis 3). 

Because we're made inward God's image, evil together with suffering disturb us together with nosotros shout out to God for answers. 

We aren't capable of agreement all things hither on earth, but nosotros tin endure confident that evil never existed inward God’s master copy creation, together with God is never responsible for evil Himself (James 1:13-15; 1 John 1:5)

Isn’t it ironic that nosotros creatures who brought evil together with suffering into God's perfect public bring blamed God for it e'er since?
© copyright Gail Burton Purath

minute devotion addresses these questions Why Is There Senseless Suffering?
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minute devotion addresses these questions Why Is There Senseless Suffering?