Thursday, February 11, 2021

Prosperous Paul

this heresy is to a greater extent than prevalent than you lot may mean value Prosperous Paul

I wonder if those who preach the modern prosperity gospel possess got read the stories of Joseph, Daniel or Paul. 

If these prosperity preachers had preached during Paul's day, nosotros mightiness possess got merely about other Epistle condemning their heresy. 

But nosotros don't require merely about other Epistle because the entire Bible refutes a prosperity message. 

I don't believe inwards the prosperity gospel, but I sometimes succumb to a like heresy, together with I've establish many other Christians create the same.

It's the heresy that God volition possess got away my troubles together with brand my path smoothen if I'm trying to create the correct things. 

As if Joseph, Daniel together with Paul didn't create the correct things. 

Instead, nosotros all require to recollect these words of Paul: 

"I possess got learned the undercover of beingness content inwards whatsoever together with every situation, whether good fed or hungry, whether living inwards enough or inwards want. I tin move create all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13 

image: Stockvault

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this heresy is to a greater extent than prevalent than you lot may mean value Prosperous Paul