Saturday, February 13, 2021

T.G.I.G.F. - Give Thank Yous God It's Skillful Friday

 when our Lord was brutally murdered on this 24-hour interval inwards history T.G.I.G.F. - Thank God It's Good Friday
Christ's incredible sacrifice on Good Friday...

For thousands of years, ane Fri has been called “Good” to a higher house all others. 

What's in addition to thus skillful close Good Friday?
  • Soldiers flogged an innocent human being amongst bits of os in addition to metallic attached to leather straps until he was hardly recognizable every bit a human being (Isaiah 52:14).
  • They mocked him in addition to stuck large thorns into his haemorrhage scalp.
  • They forced him to demeanour a 90-pound wooden cross against his torn flesh.
  • They drove 6 inch nails into his wrists in addition to feet in addition to hung him on a cross.
  • He had to inch his torn flesh upwardly the splintered cross to grab each breath...for vi hours…until He died.
And why are these horrible things good?
Jesus did this for you lot in addition to me…died for your sins in addition to mine…gave us our only escape from decease in addition to hell.

"Good" cannot laid out to depict the wonder of Good Friday.
Let’s rejoice inwards that wonder! T.G.I.G.F.

Easter is worth celebrating every 24-hour interval of the year!!

The storey of Good Fri is inwards Matthew 27:26-56.
 when our Lord was brutally murdered on this 24-hour interval inwards history T.G.I.G.F. - Thank God It's Good Friday
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 when our Lord was brutally murdered on this 24-hour interval inwards history T.G.I.G.F. - Thank God It's Good Friday