Monday, February 15, 2021

What Nosotros Read Influences Our Hearts

minute devotion describes the slippery gradient of thoughts non taken captive What We Read Influences Our Hearts

When I wrote virtually the dangers of "50 Shades of Grey" (here), a woman wrote me:
"I read the majority together with can't facial expression for the movie! And I'm proud of it." 

I idea virtually Romans 1:18-32 which explains the slippery gradient of sin: 
  • Darkening people's agreement (v.21). 
  • "Brainwashing" them then they "do what ought non to move done" (v.28).
  • Making them confident to openly approve sin (v.32). 
Most people inward our globe are somewhere on that slippery slope, together with beingness surrounded yesteryear immoral views makes it harder for Christians to discern correct from wrong. 

But 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us how: 
"We demolish arguments together with every pretension that sets itself upward against the cognition of God, together with nosotros lead keep captive every idea to larn far obedient to Christ." 

This means: 
  • We don't approve something only because "everyone" approves it. 
  • We don't fifty-fifty approve it if a Christian friend approves it. 
  • We trust the cognition of God alone. 
And the cognition of God is establish inward God's Word.

minute devotion describes the slippery gradient of thoughts non taken captive What We Read Influences Our Hearts
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minute devotion describes the slippery gradient of thoughts non taken captive What We Read Influences Our Hearts