Sunday, February 14, 2021

Letting Go

We sometimes scream back faith agency thinking everything volition plow out bully Letting Go

A human being brutal off a cliff together with grabbed a branch on the way down. 

Dangling past times 1 hand, he yelled, "Is anyone upward in that place who tin assist me?" 

A vox thundered from above, "This is God. Let become of the branch." 

The human being idea a bit ... 

"Is in that place anyone else upward in that place who tin assist me?" 

I heard this joke many years ago, together with in that place are times I've felt just similar that human being dangling from a branch, afraid to trust God completely.

I wonder if Noah, Abraham or Moses e'er felt that way?

I scream back they did, just they allow become of the branch. 

And everything went bully for them. 

"All these people were even together with then living past times faith when they died. They did non have the things promised; they alone saw them together with welcomed them from a distance." Hebrews 11:13

Faith isn't believing everything volition plow out great. It's believing God knows what He's doing fifty-fifty when it doesn't. 

"So nosotros laid upward our eyes non on what is seen, just on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, just what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18

We sometimes scream back faith agency thinking everything volition plow out bully Letting Go