Thursday, February 11, 2021

Soft-Core Christians - Biblical Amusement Standards

minute devotion challenges Christians to evaluate their amusement Soft-Core Christians - Biblical Entertainment Standards

Much of modern amusement is soft-core porn. 

Many boob tube shows too movies mock God's blueprint of purity, commitment, dear too marriage; and they glorify profanity, violence, too empty values (Romans 1:18-32).

But nosotros pass hours watching them every day, weakening our consciences, wasting our time, too damaging our witness.

It's a serious sign of moral decay when women bask pornography that glorifies their abuse (e.g. "50 Shades of Grey"). But it's as disturbing when nosotros Christians bask ungodly movies too boob tube shows (Matthew 5:13-16).

We demand to hang these instructions inward a higher house our TV screen:

"Live as children of lite ... too uncovering out what pleases the Lord. Have nix to produce alongside the fruitless deeds of darkness, precisely rather disclose them. It is shameful fifty-fifty to hollo what the disobedient produce inward secret." Ephesians 5:8-11

Do yous demand to evaluate your amusement standards for the sake of the gospel? I do.
See HERE). If we're seeking to delight God (Ephesians 5:10), we'll hold upwards offended past times the things that scandalize Him.

Would yous similar to produce around additional report related to this devotion? Check out Bite Size Bible Study too uncovering out which Bible grapheme serves as a alarm against looking at naked people to whom nosotros are non married. 

minute devotion challenges Christians to evaluate their amusement Soft-Core Christians - Biblical Entertainment Standards
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minute devotion challenges Christians to evaluate their amusement Soft-Core Christians - Biblical Entertainment Standards

Bible Love Notes