Monday, February 8, 2021

Bold Infant Steps

If yous are discouraged yesteryear your lack of faith Bold Baby Steps

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"When did nosotros showtime believing that God wants to shipping us to prophylactic places to produce slowly things? ... Jesus didn't choke to locomote along us safe. He died to brand us dangerous. Faithfulness is non asset the fort. It's storming the gates of hell. The volition of God is non an insurance plan. It's a daring plan." 
Mark Batterson(1) 

I'm reading missionary biographies amongst my granddaughter, together with they're powerfully inspiring.

They aid me realize:
  • Very ordinary people conduct maintain done special things for God. 
  • The earth is suffering without our Savior. 
  • Life is painfully brusque together with eternity is wonderfully long. 
Sometimes I read nigh these marvelous Christians, together with I think: 'I can't alive similar they lived. I powerfulness likewise give up.'(2) 

But God is didactics me that babe steps are amend than no steps. 

So I'm asking: What ane affair tin I produce to alive my faith to a greater extent than boldly, dangerously, together with daring today

What ane affair tin yous do? 
(1) All In: You Are One Decision Away from a Totally Different Life
(2) God warns against comparisons similar this (Galatians 6:4-5).

For scriptural inspiration and suggestions to accept a few baby steps, come across today's Bite Size Bible Study--Bold Baby Steps Study.

If yous are discouraged yesteryear your lack of faith Bold Baby Steps
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If yous are discouraged yesteryear your lack of faith Bold Baby Steps
Artwork: Billy Frank Alexander

Bible Love Notes