Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Thou Shalt Non ... Maybe

The Book of Judges gives us a glimpse of a state that has done i matter inward detail Thou Shalt Not ... Maybe

"Against the traditional concept that God wants men to suit to a fixed divine design, the novel morality stakes it's representative on the persuasion that God would prefer men to brand their ain responsible decisions."(1)

Forty-some years get got passed since this Time article introduced the "new morality."

For forty-some years men get got defined their ain moral code, in addition to divorce, rape, abortion, small-scale fry pornography, sexually-transmitted diseases, small-scale fry abuse, homosexuality, in addition to transgenderism get got dramatically increased.

The mass of Judges also records this "new morality" inward Israel's history when "everyone did every bit they saw fit" (Judges 21:25). 

Today, every bit inward the fourth dimension of the Judges, God needs truth-speakers similar the prophet Samuel who grieved in addition to prayed for the people's hearts. Then, he firmly in addition to lovingly stood for what was right, fifty-fifty when he stood alone. 

(1) Time Magazine, "The New Commandment: Thou Shalt Not--Maybe" 12-13-71.  I lately read Dobson's When God Doesn't Make Sense in addition to that is where I constitute the lift of this Time Magazine article. Although Dobson's mass is twenty years old, I recommend it. It is to a greater extent than relevant than ever.

These 1-minute devotions are a proficient supplement to this one:
The two Step Process of Sexual Sin
What Scripture Says About Abortion
What the Bible Says About Transgenderism
What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

The Book of Judges gives us a glimpse of a state that has done i matter inward detail Thou Shalt Not ... Maybe
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The Book of Judges gives us a glimpse of a state that has done i matter inward detail Thou Shalt Not ... Maybe