Saturday, February 27, 2021

Have 1 Served God Inwards Vain?

Most of us confront situations inwards life that knock us off our feet Have I Served God inwards Vain?

Most of us confront situations inwards life that knock us off our feet. And it seems logical to enquire "Why didn't yous halt this, Lord?" 

In Psalm 73, Asaph, a faithful retainer of God, had similar questions. He looked at all the wicked, arrogant people around him who were living healthy, carefree lives. And he wondered if he'd followed God inwards vain because his ain life was non as well as thence carefree. 

Asaph began his Psalm amongst confusion as well as questions, but he ended amongst reminders of God’s faithfulness. And this is a proficient means to procedure our confusion too.

Perfect jurist volition prevail. God promises it (Revelation 22:12Galatians 6:7-10).  But that doesn't hateful we'll reckon it hither as well as now. 

So whenever nosotros run across 1 of life's unanswerable questions, nosotros should respond similar Asaph as well as remind ourselves of God's wisdom, justice, as well as faithfulness. 

Most of us confront situations inwards life that knock us off our feet Have I Served God inwards Vain?