Thursday, February 4, 2021

Avoiding Stereotypes

Atheists practise it to Christians in addition to Christians to Atheists Avoiding Stereotypes

Frequently I run across atheists who desire to stereotype all Christians equally illiterate, superstitious hypocrites. 

This is unfair in addition to untrue. 

But it's only equally unfair to characterize all atheists equally ungodly, uncaring in addition to mean. 

I lately saw a Christian painting present that meant good but presented this painting of atheists. It wasn't realistic. 

Sometimes nosotros Christians oversimplify things, in addition to this makes us hold back foolish. 

When nosotros part Christ, nosotros request to throw out our stereotypes in addition to formulas, treating people equally individuals non "opponents." 

Don't acquire me wrong. I scream upwardly nosotros should endure well-prepared to answer questions near our faith. Scripture commands it (1 Peter 3:15). And nosotros should part the gospel clearly, fully, in addition to honestly (Acts 20:27).

But nosotros shouldn't scream upwardly that reciting memorized lines or learning fence tactics volition win souls to Christ. 

The best "formula" for seeing our friends in addition to loved ones converted is to dear them, pray for them in addition to endure sensitive to the Spirit's promptings. 

With Jesus' attention nosotros tin quit seeing in addition to quit existence stereotypes. 

Atheists practise it to Christians in addition to Christians to Atheists Avoiding Stereotypes