Monday, February 1, 2021

Teachers, Hearers, Doers

 Larkin devoted his life to knowing as well as didactics God Teachers, Hearers, Doers
image: Billy Frank Alexander
He was an skillful on Luke as well as Acts.* But he was to a greater extent than than an expert.

Dr. Larkin, ane of my favorite seminary professors, died of cancer inwards 2014.

Perhaps the nearly intelligent human being I've e'er known, Larkin devoted his life to knowing as well as didactics God's Word. Bible report was his passion as well as his "hobby." 

He read conduct from the Greek New Testament inwards class, seamlessly translating every bit he spoke, as well as he was on the team that translated Acts for the New Living Translation. 

But he transmitted far to a greater extent than than genius as well as tidings inwards his classes. He likewise transmitted humility as well as grace. 

He never pushed his non-essential doctrines inwards classes, as well as when arrogant students challenged his perfectly researched lectures, he responded kindly, every bit if they were his peers (which they weren't).

Dr. Larkin was non exactly a instructor of the Word, he was a humble doer of the Word (James 1:22-25). 

What a wonderful legacy--one I'd similar to have.

* Dr. Larkin called Acts "2nd Luke" because Luke as well as Acts are 2 consecutive letters written for a soul named Theophilus. (Luke 1:1-4 & Acts 1:1-2).