Thursday, February 11, 2021

What Create You Lot Esteem?

The World Esteems things that God despises What Do You Esteem?

"Goodness is possible to all, greatness to a few...yet all men wish to hold upwardly great, too entirely a few wish to hold upwardly good." A.W. Tozer 

Our civilisation honors greatness to a greater extent than than goodness: 
Many charismatic people are admired despite their lack of integrity. No 1 seems offended past times the self-aggrandizement of drug addicted stone stars, rude actors, or immoral professional person athletes. 

Unfortunately, many Christians march inwards footstep amongst the world, esteeming pop pastors, authors too Christian recording artists to a greater extent than than humble, faithful "nobodies." 

Many churches permit their missionaries combat on yearly incomes equal to their pastor's quarterly or monthly salary. (See James 2:1-12

Jesus says, "You are the tabular array salt of the earth. But what practiced is tabular array salt if it has lost its flavor?" Matthew 5:13 

Today let's seek out our "saltiness" past times evaluating what/who nosotros esteem inwards life.

The World Esteems things that God despises What Do You Esteem?