Saturday, February 20, 2021

Written Proof

 where ane adult woman defendant merely about other of something she hadn Written Proof

Recently I witnessed an exchange, where ane adult woman defendant merely about other of something she hadn't done. 

Fortunately, the defendant had written proof of her innocence, but the accuser didn't dorsum down. She wasn't going to acknowledge she'd been wrong. 

Since Adam blamed Eve as well as Eve blamed the serpent, fallen mankind has damaged relationships amongst stubborn self-justification. 

It's our natural style to justify ourselves inwards spite of the evidence. But nosotros Christians should endure different. We must Pb the means inwards admitting our mistakes as well as confessing our sins. 

We get got "written proof" inwards 1 John 1:9
"If nosotros confess our sins, he is faithful as well as merely as well as volition forgive us our sins as well as purify us from all unrighteousness." 

Today, let's accept a instant to inquire God if we've been defending ourselves when nosotros should endure confessing. And side yesteryear side fourth dimension we're confronted amongst a sin or fifty-fifty a mistake, let's stop, think, as well as honestly confess everything we've done wrong. 
These 1-minute devotions volition too bless you lot as well as aid you lot apply principles of repentance to your life:
How to Say "I'm Sorry"
What to create When We Blow it
6 Characteristics of Sincere Repentance

 where ane adult woman defendant merely about other of something she hadn Written Proof