Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Be Prepared: How Tin Locomote Y'all Trust The Bible When It Was Written Past Times Men?

minute devotion explains why nosotros tin trust a mass  Be Prepared: How tin you lot trust the Bible when it was written past times men?

Because 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to "always last prepared" to answer questions nearly our faith, let's catch how to best answer this

"How tin you lot trust the Bible when it was written past times men?" 

My Answer:

It's truthful the Bible was written past times over xl writers from dissimilar backgrounds too fourth dimension periods, inwards 3 dissimilar languages. 

They wrote prose, poetry, prayer, historical narrative, doctrine, prophecy, etc. too covered complex too controversial subjects. 

Yet--incredibly--their words accept unity too agreement. This shows me they weren't writing their opinions but writing what God inspired them to write.

The Bible confirms that men empowered past times the Spirit wrote Scripture (2 Peter 1:20-21).  

2 Timothy 3:16 calls all Scripture "God-breathed," a term pregnant completely inspired past times God. And Peter calls Paul's letters "Scripture" (2 Peter 3:16). 

These things addition the agency God has preserved the Bible for thousands of years give me consummate confidence that it's non only the words of men. 

How would you lot answer this question?
For a practiced resources alongside to a greater extent than information on this enquiry read: God is the Sole Author 

To run into all xiv questions inwards this series, banking company lucifer out the Be Prepared Archive.

minute devotion explains why nosotros tin trust a mass  Be Prepared: How tin you lot trust the Bible when it was written past times men?
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minute devotion explains why nosotros tin trust a mass  Be Prepared: How tin you lot trust the Bible when it was written past times men?