Thursday, February 4, 2021

Jeffersonian Christians

Thomas Jefferson idea he was God when it came to Scripture Jeffersonian Christians

Thomas Jefferson considered the Gospels untrustworthy, then he created his ain gospel past times taking pair of scissors to a re-create of the New Testament. 

I fearfulness Jeffersonian techniques are travel too good amid many modern Christians who don't literally cutting passages from their Bibles. They but ignore them. 

Some produce this because they don't desire to travel bothered past times facts that disagree alongside their lifestyle. Like naughty children, they plug their ears too sing "la la" spell the instructor gives instructions. 

Others ignore passages because they've been taught past times clever teachers who've replaced the cross alongside the couch (2 Timothy 4:3-4). 

I facial expression atheists to disrespect Scripture inwards gild to handgrip on to their faulty conclusions virtually God too life. But it's far to a greater extent than troubling to regard professing Christians who've "written" their ain gospels. 

We must handgrip fast to the truth, too inwards gild to produce this, nosotros must larn too bring all Scripture, non cutting too glue (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 

Smithsonian: Jefferson Bible

Thomas Jefferson idea he was God when it came to Scripture Jeffersonian Christians

Bible Love Notes