Monday, February 22, 2021

Back Space

I should lead maintain known meliorate since I dice self Back Space

Recently I spoke without thinking, in addition to my words were sanctimonious. 

I apologized, simply I was however disappointed inwards myself. 

I should lead maintain known meliorate since I dice self-righteous comments on my weblog posts from fourth dimension to time.

This idea from A.W. Tozer helped: 
"A man's truthful grapheme is the average of his life, non the extremes. David reached the top when he slew Goliath in addition to the bottom when he slew Uriah...We should non hold upward likewise much elated over a victory nor likewise much discouraged over a defeat. God reckons the average in addition to volition evaluate us accordingly." 

My sanctimonious words were a measurement backward, simply I'm determined to larn from my mistakes.

Like Paul I tin say:
"Not that I lead maintain already obtained all this ... simply I press on to accept check of that for which Christ Jesus took check of me... Forgetting what is behind in addition to straining toward what is ahead." Philippians 3:12-13

I should lead maintain known meliorate since I dice self Back Space