Thursday, February 18, 2021

We're No Longer Dead Men

The whole method of God inwards salvation proceeds on the supposition that men tin move changed We're No Longer Dead Men

"The whole method of God inwards salvation proceeds on the supposition that men tin move changed." A.W. Tozer 

I ever cringe a chip when I postulate heed someone tell "God loves me only the agency I am." 

I totally deal that no thing how bad nosotros are, God loves to salve us.

But He doesn't dearest the agency nosotros are. 

His piece of job inwards saving us is to brand us a novel creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). And Scripture defines novel creation people every bit those who no longer "live for themselves but for him who died for them" (2 Corinthians 5:15). 

When Christ saved us, nosotros were dead men walking, lost, depraved, slaves to sin. And nosotros Christians yet convey around of that dead human being inwards us (Ephesians 4:22-24). 

That's why huge portions of Scripture are devoted to changing the mortal nosotros are to the mortal nosotros tin move inwards Christ. 

Why non read together with pray through Ephesians 4 today.

It should brand y'all dissatisfied to move "just the agency y'all are."

The whole method of God inwards salvation proceeds on the supposition that men tin move changed We're No Longer Dead Men