Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Hearts Vs. Faces

minute devotion explains what God has to country nigh outward appearance Hearts vs. Faces

The Wall Street Journal reports that "good looking people are favored for hiring too earn higher salaries than their less attractive colleagues." 

Isn't it ironic that nosotros humans, made inward the icon of God, focus too hence much on aspects of humanness that convey niggling to produce amongst God's image? 

But God doesn't estimate past times looks at all. 

Even the godly Samuel idea God would direct the most attractive human being to endure the adjacent king. "But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do non reckon his appearance or his height, for I convey rejected him. The LORD does non await at the things people await at. People await at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'” (1 Samuel 16:7)

We can't all endure beautiful on the outside, but nosotros convey equal chance to endure beautiful on the inside. 

And the closer nosotros larn to the Lord, the to a greater extent than beautiful nosotros become. 

Would you lot similar to read but about 1-minute Bible Love Notes nigh the agency internal beauty affects external beauty?  Check them out HERE.

minute devotion explains what God has to country nigh outward appearance Hearts vs. Faces