Monday, February 22, 2021

Inhale His Presence

Advice from soul who has wrestled amongst the Mysteries of Suffering Inhale His Presence

Imagine beingness apartment on your  dorsum amongst pneumonia, gasping for every breath as well as unable to elevator yourself to cough.

Several years agone quadriplegic Joni Eareckson Tada establish herself inward these circumstances. 

When doctors hooked her upward to oxygen, she had an epiphany: For the outset time, she realized how she had taken her daily breath for granted. 

Since that time, she's made a practise to "breathe inward God's presence"--acknowledging his breath-by-breath, moment-by-moment presence inward her life. 

Joni suggests that no affair how hard our circumstances, nosotros tin "inhale His love" as well as "exhale gratitude." 

So ofttimes nosotros recollect the exclusively miracles are healing ones. But Joni, a quadriplegic who lives inward constant pain, is a huge miracle. 

She teaches us the truthful important of gratitude as well as the truthful important of miracles. 

She is proof that no affair how hard the trial, God is truthful to His promise: “Never volition I larn out you; never volition I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 
source:  A Place of Healing: Wrestling amongst the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, as well as God's Sovereignty, past times Joni Eareckson Tada, David C. Cook Publishing, 2010
Check out Joni's ministry building here: Joni as well as Friends

 Image from Joni as well as Friends "press kit."

Advice from soul who has wrestled amongst the Mysteries of Suffering Inhale His Presence