Saturday, February 6, 2021

Job's Judgmental Friends

s friends for a belief that many Christians concur straight off Job's Judgmental Friends

When friends blame you lot for circumstances beyond your control...

Job, a righteous man, lost his children, wealth together with health.

Friends came to “comfort” him together with said his difficulties were a sign of God’s displeasure.

God told Job's friends: “you bring non spoken the truth most me.” Job 42:7 

I bring about "Job's friends," people who answer my prayer requests past times suggesting my affliction or hardship is due to about unrelated sin inwards my life. 

And I've been a "Job's friend" at times, assigning blame for things I didn't understand. But that's Hindu karma, non Christianity. 

Some things are clear—a drunken driver hits a pedestrian, a smoker develops lung cancer, a thief gets caught—but when there's no clear crusade together with final result nosotros shouldn't intend nosotros are representing God past times assigning one.

When our friends are suffering, nosotros shouldn't endeavour to utter for God similar Job's friends. 

We should heed to God together with inquire Him how He wants us to pray together with help. 

Read a 1-minute comparing of karma together with Christianity HERE. For an indepth agreement of Hinduism together with karma read: What is Hinduism? 

s friends for a belief that many Christians concur straight off Job's Judgmental Friends
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s friends for a belief that many Christians concur straight off Job's Judgmental Friends

Bible Love Notes