Friday, February 12, 2021

No Satisfactory Answer

Sometimes nosotros inquire God questions in addition to larn no satisfactory answers No Satisfactory Answer

My 45-year-young cousin pose dying 150 miles away.

I'd entirely of late moved to the expanse in addition to hadn't seen him for years, thus I prayed individual nearby would portion the Gospel alongside him. But I felt God telling me to go.

I left immediately, shared the Lord alongside him, in addition to he passed away the side past times side day.

But his sis wasn't buying it. "How tin I believe inwards a God who'd allow my blood brother driblet dead thus young?"

I didn't know what to say, only I was determined to honor an reply to the troubling query "Why does God allow hurting in addition to suffering?"

After months of study, I concluded there's no satisfactory reply hither on earth.

But there's a truth that allows us to expect for the answer: God is loving, good, wise, in addition to 100% trustworthy. 

"For at nowadays nosotros encounter entirely a reflection every bit inwards a mirror; thus nosotros shall encounter appear upwardly to face. Now I know inwards part; thus I shall know fully, fifty-fifty every bit I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12

Sometimes nosotros inquire God questions in addition to larn no satisfactory answers No Satisfactory Answer