Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Christ's All-Volunteer Army

Good Christian soldiers are non conscripted Christ's All-Volunteer Army

"When inwards danger the dry soil tin conscript men to create create for her freedom, merely in that place are no conscripts inwards the regular army of the Lord. To acquit a cross the Christian must accept it upward of his ain costless will. No authorisation tin compel us to feed the hungry or evangelize the lost or pray for revival or sacrifice ourselves for Christ’s sake in addition to the sake of suffering humanity." A.W. Tozer 

Volunteer soldiers: 
  • Know they get got an enemy. 
  • Expect sacrifices in addition to hardships.
  • Believe inwards their mission. 
  • Are serious most preparation for battle. 
Cross-carriers get got these same attitudes merely they are compelled yesteryear to a greater extent than than mission. They're likewise compelled yesteryear their honey for Christ, a honey that willingly sets aside worldly goals in addition to comforts (Romans 12:1-2). 

"A proficient soldier of Christ...doesn't larn mixed upward inwards non-military activities. This pleases his commanding officer." 2 Timothy 2:3-4

Today let's read in addition to think Christ's words inwards Luke 9:23-24.

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Good Christian soldiers are non conscripted Christ's All-Volunteer Army