Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Be Prepared: Is Jesus The Solely Way?

s of import that nosotros reply graciously but truthfully  Be Prepared: Is Jesus the Only Way?
Christians are frequently "put on the spot" past times questions almost our faith, as well as it's of import that nosotros reply graciously but truthfully (Colossians 4:6).

1 Peter 3:15 says, "Always live on prepared to give an reply to everyone who asks you lot to give the argue for the promise that you lot have. But produce this alongside gentleness as well as respect." 

I was in i trial asked:

"How tin give notice you lot tell Jesus is the solely way? That sounds arrogant as well as exclusive."

And this is how I answered:
"If it were my idea, it would live on arrogant. But it's the pedagogy of Jesus Himself:"

"In John 14:6, Jesus says, 'I am the agency as well as the truth as well as the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'

"And Jesus isn't exclusive--He cares as well as therefore deeply almost each of us that He died a terrible decease to brand our salvation possible. He wants all men to cause got His offering of grace. He says this inward 1 Timothy 2:3-4."

How would you lot reply this question?
To come across all fourteen questions inward this series, banking concern jibe out the Be Prepared Archive.

For to a greater extent than Scriptures confirming that Jesus is the solely agency of salvation, read "Is Jesus the Only Way?"    After reading it, why non re-create the verses inward a notebook or the dorsum of your Bible as well as therefore you'll live on prepared to reply anyone who asks.

s of import that nosotros reply graciously but truthfully  Be Prepared: Is Jesus the Only Way?
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s of import that nosotros reply graciously but truthfully  Be Prepared: Is Jesus the Only Way?