Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Danger, Death, Devotion

minute devotion shares a storey of devotion inwards the lives of men who few volition always listen abou Danger, Death, Devotion

Because no mission organizations would sponsor function inwards the unsafe African Sudan inwards 1893, Tom, Walter, together with Rowland went on their own. 

Within a year, Tom together with Walter were dead from diseases contracted during failed attempts to accomplish remote villages amongst the Gospel. 

Does this appear a useless loss of life?

minute devotion shares a storey of devotion inwards the lives of men who few volition always listen abou Danger, Death, Devotion
Walter Gowan wrote these words when dying:

"Well, glory to God, He has enabled me to brand a difficult struggle for the Sudan, together with although it may appear similar a full failure together with defeat, it is not. We shall convey the victory. I convey no regret for task this  venture, together with inwards this mode my life has non been thrown away." *

Rowland Bingham, the alone survivor of the three, devoted the balance of his life to setting upwards a network of missions inwards the Sudan. 

In dying or living, obedience to God is never wasted. 
* Rowland Bingham, Into Africa's Interior, YWAM Christian Heroes series, page 72
While I recommend this mass inwards the YWAM Christian Heroes series, I create non recommend all of the books inwards this series.
minute devotion shares a storey of devotion inwards the lives of men who few volition always listen abou Danger, Death, Devotion
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