Tuesday, March 16, 2021

3 Benefits Of Praying Alongside A Friend

 first-class reasons to uncovering a prayer partner iii Benefits of Praying alongside a Friend
Praying alongside friends tin dismiss add together focus too accountability to your prayer life...

Partners … buddies … soulmates … friends—our well-being is improved yesteryear them. 

And then is our prayer life when nosotros commit to pray alongside 1 or 2 others (James 5:16).

There’s something close prayer-partnering that:
1. Keeps us focused.
2. Keeps us accountable.
3. Keeps us praying.

I’m non advocating that prayer alongside a partner should supersede personal prayer, exactly it’s a proficient addition. And it tin dismiss render to a greater extent than than prayer. 

I used to deed frequently, too when I got to a novel location, I didn’t accept friends. Sometimes I’d enquire someone to bring together me for an hr of prayer inwards my home. If nosotros connected, I’d enquire if they’d similar to encounter weekly. 

Those partners often became my closed friends. 

Partnering provides prayer, society too friendship—all things nosotros involve to grow inwards the Lord. 

If you lot accept a prayer partner, give thank you lot God today! If not, enquire God whom you lot powerfulness invite to bring together you lot for prayer adjacent week. 

 first-class reasons to uncovering a prayer partner iii Benefits of Praying alongside a Friend
Bible Love Notes