Wednesday, March 24, 2021

God-Approved Boasting

 Tells Us What God Wants Us To Boast About God-Approved Boasting

I was a jump-rope champion inwards seventh degree gym. I won a water-safety verse contender that same year.(1) My boss inwards high schoolhouse gave me a plaque maxim I was 1 of his best waitresses. 

Pretty paltry awards, aren't they?

I don't accept much to boast virtually inwards worldly terms. I'm non expert at sports, as well as my homemaking career was satisfying only non award-winning. 

Maybe that's why Jeremiah 9:23-24 is 1 of my favorite passages. It offers anyone a jeopardy to boast virtually the best of the best: 

"Thus says the LORD, 'Let non a wise homo boast of his wisdom, as well as allow non the mighty homo boast of his might, allow non a rich homo boast of his riches; only allow him who boasts boast of this, that he understands as well as knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, judge as well as righteousness on earth; for I please inwards these things,' declares the LORD."(2)

May this endure my boast as well as yours. 

(1)  Want to bespeak heed my award-winning seventh degree water-safety poem? 
While swimming inwards your favorite pools, 
Be certain to follow security rules. 
And if you lot follow every one, 
You're swimming volition endure extra fun.
(2) Paul quotes this passage inwards 2 Corinthians 10:17

 Tells Us What God Wants Us To Boast About God-Approved Boasting