Friday, March 19, 2021

Mirror, Mirror

minute devotion shares how modern civilization at nowadays honors the values of the wicked stepmother i Mirror, Mirror

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

In 1937 when Disney debuted Snow White, people understood the stepmother was wicked because of her obsession amongst her self-image. 

However, inward the final 75 years, our civilization has promoted the "stepmother's mirror" yesteryear telling us nosotros deserve together with ask a continual diet of praise to meliorate our self-image fifty-fifty though studies show it doesn't work.

God talks virtually mirrors together with self-image too: 

"Anyone who listens to the discussion simply does non produce what it says is similar somebody who looks at his human face upward inward a mirror and, later on looking at himself, goes away together with at nowadays forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, together with continues inward it—not forgetting what they select heard, simply doing it—they volition endure blessed inward what they do." James 1:23-25

God’s Word is a mirror that conforms us to His picture together with brings Him praise together with glory. Let's expect into it intently.

Bible Love Notes

minute devotion shares how modern civilization at nowadays honors the values of the wicked stepmother i Mirror, Mirror