Saturday, March 6, 2021

Old Dear Letters - Ane Corinthians 13

minute devotion explains the treasure nosotros conduct maintain inwards God Old Love Letters - 1 Corinthians 13

I conduct maintain a precious packet of old letters written yesteryear my married adult man from kicking army camp later he was drafted.

He was a human being who missed his bride together with longed to come across me confront to face. 

I'm distressing to nation that neither he nor I conduct maintain handwritten a missive of the alphabet for years. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few lines inwards a greeting bill of fare don't count. 

Because missive of the alphabet writing is fast becoming a lost art, those old honey letters are particularly precious. 

But I conduct maintain honey letters fifty-fifty to a greater extent than precious than those my married adult man wrote. I conduct maintain honey letters from my Creator, Lord together with Savior. They're bundled together, telling a even of love, betrayal, sacrifice, forgiveness, together with provision.

They bring out the honey of One who besides misses His bride* together with longs to come across her face-to-face (Revelation 19:7-9; 1 Corinthians 13:12). And this honey even has a "happily FOREVER after" ending.

Since you're besides a recipient of those precious letters, let's conduct maintain fourth dimension today to read them together with retrieve how much we're loved. 
* The Church is the "Bride of Christ"

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minute devotion explains the treasure nosotros conduct maintain inwards God Old Love Letters - 1 Corinthians 13