Monday, March 8, 2021

3 Giddy Excuses For Questioning The Bible's Credibility

 Silly Excuses for Questioning The Bible iii Silly Excuses for Questioning The Bible's Credibility
Some people convey "conditional belief" inward the Bible. 

Below are iii mutual statements of conditional belief:

1. "Parts of the Bible are outdated." 


Some commands inward Scripture were given to a detail grouping (e.g. Civil laws for State of Israel inward the Old Testament) or a detail fourth dimension (e.g. sacrificial as well as dietary laws fulfilled inward Christ). 

But New Testament commands as well as principles are permanent. Hebrews 13:8; 1 Peter 1:24-25

2. "I trust the words of Christ, non the other Bible authors."


If a mortal trusts Christ's words, they'll trust all Scripture because Jesus said the Holy Spirit would unwrap truth later on His expiry (John 16:12-15), as well as the human authors of Scripture wrote alone what the Spirit dictated (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). 

See: Why Not Believe Only Christ's Words?

3. "The Bible tin forcefulness out hold out interpreted dissimilar ways."


Bible-believing Christians grip on all essential elements of organized religious belief as well as morality (Ephesians 4:3-6). Our differences are "non-essentials."

See: A Grass Stained Sock

Let's process the Bible similar God's Word, without conditions.

For a to a greater extent than thorough agreement of the divergence betwixt permanent as well as temporary laws as well as commands, run into Old Testament Laws: Sacrificial, Dietary, 10 Commandments

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