Saturday, March 6, 2021

This Bugged Me

How lilliputian Bugs Reminded me of an of import truth This Bugged Me

I pulled 1 of my favorite wool sweaters over my caput solely to notice it riddled alongside tiny holes. It looked similar Swiss cheese! 

One past times 1 equally I tried on my wool clothing, lilliputian holes appeared inwards them. 

 After several days of anxious investigation, nosotros discovered that a old occupant of our novel abode had unknowingly left a "welcoming gift"--insect larva that consume wool. 

We had our household “bombed” alongside insecticide as well as all our wool items treated. 

And God used this lilliputian larva to remind me of Christ's words inwards Matthew 6:19-21

“Don’t shop upwards treasures hither on earth, where they tin survive eaten past times moths as well as larn rusty, as well as where thieves interruption inwards as well as steal. Store your treasures inwards heaven, where they volition never larn moth-eaten or rusty as well as where they volition survive security from thieves. Wherever your treasure is, at that topographic point your pump as well as thoughts volition likewise be.”

A difficult lesson, only a expert one.

How lilliputian Bugs Reminded me of an of import truth This Bugged Me