Friday, March 26, 2021

Deceptive Evangelism

 Christians must non deport similar cultists Deceptive Evangelism

I late heard the testimony of a adult woman who spent several years inwards a "Christian cult."(1)

The get-go yr they taught things that agreed alongside traditional Christianity. But the mo year, afterward they felt their converts were committed, they began educational activity their foreign beliefs. The website of this item cult equally good leaves their foreign beliefs out of their introductory explanations.

I fright nosotros Christians sometimes practice the same when nosotros state people near Christ without explaining that He calls us to deny ourselves as well as alive for His purposes, non our own...or when nosotros state people knowing Christ makes life easier.(2)  

Like Paul, nosotros must live on careful that "the appeal nosotros brand does non jump from fault or impure motives, nor are nosotros trying to trace a fast 1 on [anyone]." 1 Thessalonians 2:3-4 

The gospel is God's plan, as well as nosotros must part it accurately, fully, as well as unashamedly without tricking anyone.


(1) "Christian cults" are those that part some similar beliefs alongside mainstream Christianity simply give equal or greater weight to non-biblical beliefs as well as present-day prophets. The give-and-take "cult" inwards this illustration does non hateful a grouping that brainwashes or forces people to practice things against their will. The 2 most well-known Christian cults are Mormonism as well as Jehovah's Witnesses. 

To read more: Is Mormonism a Cult?   What is Mormonism?
Weird Things Mormons Believe written past times sometime Mormons.  Jehovah's Witnesses inwards a NutshellWho are the Jehovah's Witnesses?

(2) It's truthful that trusting Christ gives us an internal peace as well as joy. But it equally good involves self-denial. And it tin convey persecution as well as attacks from Satan.

 Christians must non deport similar cultists Deceptive Evangelism

Bible Love Notes