Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Progress In Addition To Prayer

minute devotion talks almost the importance of recording answers to prayer Progress as well as Prayer

We were traveling to around other metropolis on the coast of Republic of Croatia later breakfast. Before leaving, I journaled as well as asked God to brand me a practiced witness to the owners of the room nosotros were renting inward the side yesteryear side city. 

When nosotros arrived, the landlords surprised us yesteryear bespeak us to pass the side yesteryear side afternoon alongside them as well as nosotros had opportunities to percentage our faith.

 It was such a clear reply to my prayer, as well as I recorded it inward my prayer journal. 

It's tardily to gear upwardly a mag to write on ane side of each page as well as purpose the blank page across from it to tape progress, insights, or answers. 

Otherwise, we're prone to forget how oft God says "yes" to something we've prayed. And we're apt to forget how oft His "no" answers convey saved us from something stupid. 

"Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the practiced things he does for me." Psalm 103:2 

Are y'all inward the habit of recording God's answers? 

minute devotion talks almost the importance of recording answers to prayer Progress as well as Prayer