Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Truest Bird Of Worship

Do you lot know what the truest cast of worship is The Truest Form of Worship

I wonder if obedient feet aren't the greatest cast of worship...

We moderns charge per unit of measurement worship by:
  • the beauty of the music (especially our favorite musical style)
  • song lyrics
  • the worship leader's moderation
  • most importantly-- how it makes us feel
We cry back feelings are the greatest indicator of our dear for Christ.

They tin be, simply oft aren't.

As the maxim goes: Faith is the engine together with feelings the caboose on the educate of life.

And Scripture gives us the truthful moving painting of spiritual worship: 

"I urge you, brothers together with sisters, inwards thought of God’s mercy, to offering your bodies every bit a living sacrifice, holy together with pleasing to God—this is your truthful together with proper worship." Romans 12:1 

Giving our bodies every bit a living sacrifice agency doing whatsoever it takes to obey together with follow Christ's invention for our lives, walking the path He has prepared for us.

Yes, I cry back obedient feet are the greatest cast of worship (Romans 10:15). What practise you lot think?

Do you lot know what the truest cast of worship is The Truest Form of Worship