Thursday, March 4, 2021

Paper, Pen, Prayer & Learning Style

minute devotion encourages us to utilisation our learning fashion to heighten too enrich our Prayer l Paper, Pen, Prayer & Learning Style
  • Visual learners--learn best through pictures, hand-outs, too written text. 
  • Auditory learners--learn best through lectures, discussions, too reading aloud. 
  • Kinesthetic learners--learn best through touching, feeling, or writing information. 
Since prayer requires concentration, it's helpful to employ our learning fashion when developing a habit of prayer. 

I'm a visual/kinesthetic learner, too journaling helps me remain focused during prayer. 

I've ever enjoyed circling too underlining passages inwards my Bible too drawing tiny pictures inwards the margins. I highlight my mag amongst hearts, stars, happy faces, too sometimes utilisation stickers. I outline Scripture passages too "diagram" verses to meliorate empathize the meaning. 

Journaling may non last equally of import to auditory learners, although reading mag entries aloud or discussing written passages amongst a partner would agree their learning style. 

It's ever worthwhile to educate habits that attention us "Devote ourselves to prayer, beingness watchful too thankful" (Colossians 4:2). 

Do you lot utilisation your learning fashion to remain focused inwards prayer? I'd honey to listen almost it. 

Below I've shared unopen to of my doodles too drawings. I promise they volition give you lot ideas for your ain Bible journaling! Gail

I describe pictures inwards my Bible, merely I never comprehend the text because my role is to highlight the text too hence I volition meliorate empathize too shout out back it.

minute devotion encourages us to utilisation our learning fashion to heighten too enrich our Prayer l Paper, Pen, Prayer & Learning Style

Bible Love Notes