Friday, March 19, 2021

Things That Brand Me Sad--The Flood

 Why It Grieved God together with Why it Had to Happen Things that Make Me Sad--The Flood
How could it happen?

God gave mankind everything to brand us happy, but nosotros messed it up.

First Adam together with Eve, hence Cain.

Then every idea of every human being was bent on evil (Genesis 6:5).

Every idea ... every man...except Noah. And our Lord grieved.

Noah preached, warned, told the truth. But no i believed him (2 Peter 2:5). 

No i believed God.

That happens today too. We ignore God's loving warnings together with simply perish along messing things up. 

Instead of realizing that He gives us to a greater extent than than nosotros deserve, nosotros bill God of non doing enough. 

Instead of listening to the Truth, nosotros perish along on believing lies.

Unbelievers create it, but nosotros believers create it too. We bring God's Book but nosotros heed to our culture, our peers, together with our ain selfish hearts. 

Help us, Lord Jesus, to meet things equally You meet them. Help us recollect who nosotros are together with Who You Are.
I intend you'll also taste reading this 1-minute devotion: The Big Picture.

 Why It Grieved God together with Why it Had to Happen Things that Make Me Sad--The Flood