Saturday, March 20, 2021

Are Yous Listening?

Do you lot know the linguistic communication that EVERYONE understands Are You Listening?

Sometimes God whispers; simply inward the skies He proclaims. 

Here inward Croatia,* I encounter His glory inward clear blueish forenoon skies against the turquoise sea, inward the wispy white clouds or smoky grays earlier a rain, together with inward the vivid flame red, orange, together with regal sunsets. 

God could convey created the skies bleak slates of beige. After all, He defined the universal laws. 

But Psalm 19 tells us “the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the operate of his hands. Day afterwards 24-hour interval they pour forth speech; nighttime afterwards nighttime they bring out knowledge.” 

And the beauty they proclaim crosses all linguistic communication barriers. Local Croatians tin dismiss “hear” this message the same equally those inward Colorado, Budapest or Moscow because “They convey no speech, they purpose no words; no audio is heard from them. Yet their phonation goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” (Psalm 19:3). 

Are you lot listening? 

Enjoy the sky today!


* I'm an American visiting Croatia 

Do you lot know the linguistic communication that EVERYONE understands Are You Listening?
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Do you lot know the linguistic communication that EVERYONE understands Are You Listening?