Monday, March 1, 2021

Man Says Present Me In Addition To I'll Trust You. God Says...

Trust inwards the Lord wholeheartedly...

Man says exhibit me 
and I’ll trust you. 

God says trust me 
and I’ll exhibit you.

Trust: "firm belief inwards the reliability, truth, ability, or forcefulness of someone or something." 

We practise it every day--we trust we'll select air to breathe too H2O from the tap. 

But when it comes to people, we're cautious because people aren't ever trustworthy. They allow us down. 

So when nosotros don't empathise something a mortal does, we're probable to uncertainty their trustworthiness. 

Unfortunately, nosotros convey this same skepticism to our organized faith inwards God. 

It's the dry reason of atheism--acting every mo if God is a human beingness to endure judged past times our finite minds. 

And it's the dry reason of every "crisis of faith" when nosotros experience God has allow us down. 

We mean value nosotros tin empathise an interplanetary space God amongst our finite understanding. 

That's why Scripture says: "Trust inwards the Lord amongst all your see too lean non on your ain understanding" (Proverbs 3:5).

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