Monday, March 8, 2021

Paper Or Plastic - Pocket-Size Decisions Bring Big Results

My Scottish friend misunderstood the American grocery clerk when she asked  Paper or Plastic - Small Decisions Have Big Results
My Scottish friend misunderstood the American grocery clerk when she asked "Paper or plastic?" He idea she meant "cash or credit?" 

Europe's a "greener" continent than America where shoppers convey bags or pay for them. No wonder he misunderstood. 

That got me thinking: "paper or plastic" seems similar an insignificant, personal choice, precisely it has long-range effects on the environs nosotros all share.*

Actually, almost choices, fifty-fifty seemingly insignificant ones, conduct consequences. Few are strictly personal. 

We tell it's no one's trouble concern what nosotros select to create inwards our personal lives, sexually, environmentally, socially, or financially. But life doesn't piece of occupation that way, as well as moral choices acquit upon our environs inwards the same means ecological choices do.

That's why, inwards all areas, nosotros Christians should atomic number 82 the means inwards making Philippians 2:4 choices: "Each of yous should await non solely to your ain interests, precisely also to the interests of others." 
* I'm non maxim nosotros should never piece of occupation plastic bags. I oft do. But I'm trying to recall through fifty-fifty this elementary choice.
My Scottish friend misunderstood the American grocery clerk when she asked  Paper or Plastic - Small Decisions Have Big Results