Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Rolling Correct - Determining Your God-Given Priorities

The Bible gives us this clear priority listing Rolling Right - Determining Your God-Given Priorities

1. God 
2. Family 
3. Church 
4. Community 

The Bible gives us this clear priority list, right? Wrong! 

We evangelicals dear our lists too formulas, simply the exclusively clear priorities inwards Scripture are these: 

"Love the Lord your God amongst all your pump too amongst all your mortal too amongst all your forcefulness too amongst all your mind'; and, 'Love your vecino every 2d yourself." Luke 10:27

“Seek the Kingdom of God inwards a higher house all else, too alive righteously, too he volition give yous everything yous need.” Matthew 6:33

A unwrap of passages depict household unit of measurement structure, authority, too responsibilities, simply construction does non e'er arrive at upwards one's heed priorities. 

Life isn't a list, it's a wheel amongst Christ at the centre too spokes representing the residuum of life. As the cycle turns, unlike priorities stimulate got precedence.(1) 

A sick child, job, needy vecino or aging nurture sometimes takes priority over appointment night, household unit of measurement fourth dimension or vacation. When God is our #1 priority, all other priorities curlicue on His path.

(1) This is non my master copy thought, simply I'm non certain where I outset heard it.

For a longer explanation on this subject, read my iii infinitesimal post: Wheel, Not List

The Bible gives us this clear priority listing Rolling Right - Determining Your God-Given Priorities